Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Should I wear to class?
    • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing that you can move freely in.
  • Don't I have to buy a Gi?
    • Gi's are ideal because they are durable but allow you freedom of movement. However, you are not required to wear one until you test. During testing, all students are asked to come in the full Gi.
  • Are there changing rooms available?
    • There are no lockers available but there are restroom facilities on the premises.
  • How long does it take before we can test for a belt?
    • There is no set time for your testing date. Each student tests when ready. Readiness is determined by demonstrating a high level of competency in both techniques and katas.
  • How many tests do I have to take to get a black belt?
    • Our testing consists of six tests: yellow belt, green belt, brown stripes on green belt, brown belt, white stripes on brown belt and black stripes on brown belt indicating you are ready to test for your black belt.
    • Karate Belts
  • Are there any physical fitness requirements?
    • You don't need to be in great shape to join us. As a group, we help each other to achieve our fitness goals.
  • What about self defense training?
    • We approach self defense in a practical manner using traditional techniques such as blocks, sweeps (taking down an aggressor) and strikes.
  • What about fitness training?
    • Fitness training continues throughout our classes with basic exercises. Class begins with stretching to prevent injury and increase flexibility. Pushups and crunches are incorporated into our training.